Adult Zoom Spring Bible Study
Get Your Life Back:
Everyday Practices for a World Gone Mad
by John Eldredge
Thursdays, April 28th through June 2nd 10:30 AM
We live in soul-scorching times. The 24-7 onslaught of contemporary life—with its never-ending feed of global tragedies, demands for our attention, and pressures of work, family, and friends—has left us feeling ragged, wrung-out, and emptied. But if we have no margin in our lives, how do we find room to change anything?
In this life-changing video Bible study, John Eldredge distills a lifetime of wisdom into five practical and ready-to-implement practices for putting your life back together. These practices include: (1) the one-minute pause, (2) benevolent detachment, (3) practicing kindness, (4) getting outside, and (5) stepping back from technology. These practices, ready for the taking, will enable you to begin recovery, focus on what matters most, disengage from the tragedies of this broken world, and discover the restorative power of beauty.
You don’t need to abandon your life to get it back. You can restore it here and now. And you will never be the same.
The six sessions include:
- The One Minute Pause
- Simple Unplugging
- Get Outside
- Caring for Neglected Places in Your Soul
- The Hidden Life of God in You
- The Simple Daily Things
Please sign up on the sign-up sheet at the front desk.
The books are available at church, and the cost is $10.00.
For additional information, please call the church office at 775-424-3622.