Ministry Teams
Christian Education MT
The Christian Education Ministry Team will meet in the Conference Room on the second Sunday of the month in 2024, after the worship service. Please call the church office for additional information at 775-424-3622.
Outreach Ministry Team
The Outreach Ministry Team will meet on Sunday, February 23, 2025, following the morning worship service. We are the hospitality side of the church geared towards community outreach. We evangelize through relationships. This is where we coordinate activities outside of the church to increase awareness of our congregation.
Mission Ministry Team
We organize local mission projects during the year such as the ongoing food collections for The Community Food Pantry, clothing and toiletry collections for Good Shepherd’s Clothes Closet, and collection of school supplies and angel tree gift cards for local school children. The congregation also participates in several special offerings through PC(USA), including the Souper Bowl of Caring , the Peace and Global Witness Offering, the Pentecost Offering, the Christmas Joy Offering, and the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering, all which benefit…