On Saturday, May 21st beginning at 1:00 in the Fellowship Hall, there will be a three-hour workshop provided by Laura Charles, The Bead Lady. Laura has taught beading for several years in her own store, Beads Etc., and in TMCC classes.
The initial project cost will be a base of $25.00 with students providing their own cross or other meaningful pendant for their project. An additional $5.00 will be added if crosses are purchased at the workshop.
All the tools, stringing material and the connecting items for the prayer beads will be provided at no cost. However, all bead or stone values in excess of $25.00 will become the student’s responsibility. Choosing glass beads will help to keep the costs closer to the base value of the workshop.
Mark your calendar: June 2nd, you are invited to join our Thursday in-person Bible Study group at 1:00 to begin a six-week study based on the books “A Bead and A Prayer” and “Another Bead another Prayer” by Kristen and Max Vincent. Together these studies will teach you ways these prayer beads can make your personal prayer life deeper, more focused and more productive.
A sign up sheet is available on the front desk. Please sign up for the Protestant Prayer Bead Workshop on May 21, 2022.