The One Great Hour of Sharing Offering will be received on April 10, 2022.
Please call the church if you need envelopes or additional information.
One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) is our direct response to the ways in which God has called us to share, to repair, to bring hope. It is the single, largest way Presbyterians come together to become the church with all the people we see.
Through OGHS, we open our doors to join those dependent on outsiders for food, those who now receive seeds and silos to sustain a future for their children and communities; to partner with those whose land and livelihoods are threatened and who now receive legal aid and protection for the land that is rightfully theirs; and to work alongside those whose homes and loved ones have been lost to a catastrophic event, offering hands to help rebuild and prayers to help restore.
For additional information, please visit the website at Presbyterian Special Offerings – One Great Hour of Sharing (