October 10, 2021
See Faithtrails article coming September 1, 2021
You are cordially invited to attend!
The Stewardship Ministry Team is hosting a special FREE workshop luncheon to discuss the process of personal legacy building and how you might leave your legacy to your family, your church and to generations to come.
Leading our discussion will be Maggie Harmon, Esq., Ministry Relations Officer of the Southwest District of the Presbyterian Foundation.
To anticipate what you might be learning on this workshop search: https://vimeo.com/showcase/8214740/video/519562105
Legacy Luncheon Menu: Tuscan Roasted Chicken Breast, Sea Salt and Pepper Roasted Red Potatoes, Field Green Salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette and Cookie furnished by Nothing to It! Culinary Center.
- ___Yes! We/I will be attending the FREE LUNCHEON. Number of attendees _______
- Family name____________________________________
- ____Yes, we will need child care
Call your RSVP in to the church office (775) 424-3622 .
Or Return RSVP in person to church at front desk or to the offering plate.