Advent Study
Sunday Mornings—Following Worship
December 1, 8, and 15, and 22, 2024
This class will be held in the Spanish Springs Presbyterian Church Conference Room.
The title of our Advent study is “The Wonder of Christmas: Once You Believe, Anything Is Possible” by Ed Robb and Rob Renfroe.
Please sign up at the front desk—or—call the church office at 775-424-3622 to register.

The Wonder of Christmas is an exciting Advent experience that explores the true wonder of Christmas through the lens of four elements of the Christmas story: a star, a name, a manger, and a promise. As we look to these aspects of the Christmas story, we will rediscover that the true wonder of Christmas is found in the love of Christ and made real in our heart when we share that love with others. Because of God’s great love and light in Jesus Christ, we can believe with confidence that anything is possible.
Each chapter contains questions for reflection, Scriptures for meditation, a prayer and an Advent wreath reading for personal/home use.” (Product description taken from Christian Book Distributors online site.)