Come join us in the Thursday Zoom Class for Advent in 2021. The class will start on Thursday, December 2, @10:30 a.m. and end on Thursday, December 23. Our study book is entitled “Travel the Highways of Advent, An Advent Study for Adults”, written by Stan Purdum.
We will begin with the ”Straightened and Leveled” highway. This highway will be accompanied by Advent hymns during worship. These hymns remind us of the waiting we will be doing during Advent.
Advent is a celebration of waiting, preparation, and love during a long-expected period of time; a time spoken of in the Old Testament, and burgeoning in the New Testament. This time is called Advent in the Christian calendar and noticed on the street as the Christmas Season. We will be travelling on five highways during this busy time. It will be time for a journey on a burro, a horse-drawn carriage, and finally picking up speed to welcome Jesus Christ, the son of God.