Session Meeting
The Spanish Springs Presbyterian Church Board of Elders will meet on Thursday, September 21, 2023, at 4:00 PM in the Conference Room.
Salad Bar–September 17, 2022
Save the Date! The Fellowship Ministry Team will be organizing a Salad Bar to be held on September 17, 2023, following the morning worship service. Members of the Congregation are asked to bring salads and cookies to share. Please visit the website for additional details.
Outreach Ministry Team
The Outreach Ministry Team will meet on Sunday, September 17, 2023, following the morning worship service. We are the hospitality side of the church geared towards community outreach. We evangelize through relationships. This is where we coordinate activities outside of the church to increase awareness of our congregation.
Worship Ministry Team
The Worship Ministry Team will meet on Sunday, September 17, following the worship service at Spanish Springs Presbyterian Church. We create a common space to glorify God, by ensuring a meaningful worship experience. Whether it’s selecting music, or supporting the Pastor, we are ready to help.
Personnel Ministry Team Meeting
The Personnel Ministry Team will meet at 10:00 AM on Thursday, September 14, 2023 in the Conference Room.
Mission Ministry Team
We organize local mission projects during the year such as the ongoing food collections for The Community Food Pantry , clothing and toiletry collections for Good Shepherd’s Clothes Closet, school supplies and angel tree gift cards for local school children, meals for the Veterans House in Reno, and participation in The Church Has Left the Building. The congregation also participates in several special offerings through PC(USA), including the Souper Bowl of Caring and The Peace and Global Witness Offering, which benefit people locally,…
Fellowship Ministry Team
The Fellowship Ministry Team will meet at 10:00 AM on Friday, September 1, 2023, in the Conference Room at Spanish Springs Presbyterian Church.
Book Cleaning Party
Please join the Mission Ministry Team for a Book Cleaning Party in the Fellowship Hall at Spanish Springs Presbyterian Church on August 29, 2023, at 1:00 PM. To learn about how these books serve at-risk students in Nevada and change lives, visit the link at: Spread the Word Nevada | Changing Lives, One Book at a Time!
Outreach Ministry Team
The Outreach Ministry Team will meet on Sunday,August 20, 2023, following the morning worship service. We are the hospitality side of the church geared towards community outreach. We evangelize through relationships. This is where we coordinate activities outside of the church to increase awareness of our congregation.
Annual Church Picnic-August 19, 2023
SAVE THE DATE! The Annual Church Picnic will be held on Saturday, August 19, 2023. Time: 11:00 AM Location: Rancho San Rafael Regional Park, Reno, NV. We will be having the picnic at the Chinese Pagoda Picnic Pavilion, the same location as last year. The Fellowship Ministry Team will provide Hamburgers and Hot Dogs with all the condiments, along with water. The Congregation may sign up to bring cole slaw, potato salad, macaroni salad, fruit salad, cookies, and cupcakes. Please…
Session Meeting
The Spanish Springs Presbyterian Church Board of Elders will meet on Thursday, August 17, 2023, at 4:00 PM in the Conference Room.
Veterans’ Guest House
Please note that the date of providing a meal for Veterans’ Guest House has been changed to Wednesday, August 9, for this month only. Veteran’s Guest House HELP WANTED/NEEDED!!! Veteran’s Guest House Spanish Springs Presbyterian Church has been a partner with the Veterans’ Guest House of Reno by providing home-cooked meals to veterans and their families on a monthly basis. The team has met, planned menus, delivered meals, and spent time visiting with those staying at the facility. If you…