What to Expect

What to Expect


We hope you are on this page because you have some questions about visiting Spanish Springs Presbyterian Church!  Here are some FAQ’s:

What should I wear?

While some wear suits, our primary look is casual.  Children dress like children!  Our primary concern is heart and soul, so don’t worry about being “dressy enough.”

Where should I park?

Parking is adjacent to the entry door, with handicap spaces closest.

Is there anything for my children?

The nursery is staffed every worship service for infants and toddlers.

Children ages 4 to 12 are invited forward during worship for a children’s time before being dismissed to Sunday school.

Children in grades Kindergarten through sixth are dismissed to Sunday school right before the sermon.

What should I expect?

Our worship is fairly traditional with a blending of contemporary music.  We still use bulletins and hymnals, and we strive to have beautiful services of worship in which everyone is included.

What about Communion?

Anyone who wishes to follow Christ is welcome at our Table!  We use bread and grape juice, and those who are able come forward to collect the elements and take them back to their seats.  We offer gluten free bread as an option. We will bring the elements to any who cannot come forward.

Further Questions?

Please call 775-424-3622 to talk to our Administrative Professional or to the Pastor.  We look forward to seeing you!