Sermons on Lent

Sermons on Lent

Ash Wednesday Banner with palm branch, ash and a cross


5th Sunday of Lent Psalm 51: 1-17; John 12: 20-33 “Waiting . . . .” Rev. Tom Willadsen “Waiting” The Reverend Doctor Thomas C. Willadsen, Spanish Springs Presbyterian Church, Sparks, Nevada, March 17, 2024, Psalm 51:1-17, John 12:20-33 It’s not time. Just be patient. Wait for it. We will sell no wine before its time. The moment is not right. That item is on back order. Will you hold please? I tested negative for patience. We have a lot of…
Spanish Springs Presbyterian Church

Don’t Be Denied

April 3, 2022………..5th Sunday in Lent………….Pastor Pat Mecham Psalm 126; Philippians 3: 4b-14; John 12: 1-8 Hello.  My name is Lazarus.  You probably remember me because Jesus brought me back from the dead.  Now, that was pretty spectacular, but I want to share with you the tremendous impact that Jesus had on my whole family—especially my sisters, Mary and Martha. I guess I ought to start with Mary, because she’s the one who introduced us to Jesus in the first…
Jesus holding an outstretched hand


March 27, 2022———-4th Sunday in Lent Psalm 32; 2 Corinthians 5: 16-21; Luke 15: 1-32 Dale was a proud man, a man who was glad that his grown kids had settled in the same area, a man who was happiest when his whole (large) family gathered around the table for a meal.  But Dale had a problem.  His teenaged grandson had acted in a way that he considered to be extremely disrespectful, and he had called him on it.  The…
Spanish Springs Church Building

Should We Get What We Deserve?

March 20, 2022———–3rd Sunday in Lent————Rev. Bob Kelley 1 Corinthians 10: 1-13; Luke 13: 1-9 Luke 13: 1-9             Karma, we all know what it is, and most of us pretty much believe in it. And karma tells us, that in life, we are generally going to get what is coming to us.  If we are good, God will bless us, and if we are bad God will get us.  If not now, then when we die.  And we think…
Spanish Springs Presbyterian Church

Don’t Be “Detoured”

March 13, 2022———–2nd Sunday in Lent Philippians 3: 17 – 4: 1; Luke 13: 31-35 I have heard it said that life is a journey—and that it’s the journey itself more than the destination that is important and significant—and that sometimes the detours are actually part of God’s plan, and are significant waypoints on the path God means for us.  I agree with this view…mostly.  When the detours take us from the path we have selected for ourselves, and the…

Discerning the Path

March 6, 2022——–1st Sunday in Lent Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16    Luke 4:1-13 Remember the old days when you had a trip coming up, and you would get out the old folding maps and make a plan for how you were going to get from here to there?  Those of us who love MAPS always cherished that particular activity!  But now we have a GPS on our phones, and we simply type in our destination and we see two or three…
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