Sermons on Easter (Page 2)

Sermons on Easter (Page 2)

Holy Spirit

The Power of Vision

The Power of Vision           6th Sunday of Easter           Pastor Pat Mecham Acts 16: 9-15    May 22, 2022       John 14: 23-29 Isn’t VISION a funny word?  I have an insurance card in my wallet that shows that I have “Vision Insurance.”  In other words, I can get my eyes examined and receive eye care without it costing me a fortune.  We use the word “vision” to talk about seeing physical things with our eyes, then we turn around and say that someone…
Holy Spirit

Hearing God’s Call–Away

Hearing God’s Call–Away           5th Sunday of Easter           Pastor Pat Mecham Acts 11: 1-18      May 15, 2022       John 13: 31-35 There once was a farmer who loved God and wanted to serve God.  One day, while looking up at the sky, the farmer saw some clouds that clearly formed two letters: P and C.  He just knew God was telling him to Preach Christ.  He abandoned his farming and began going from place to place, talking to anyone who would listen, sharing…
Holy Spirit

The Valley of the Shadow

The Valley of the Shadow          4th Sunday of Easter           Pastor Pat Mecham Mothers’ Day Psalm 23      May 8, 2022       Acts 9: 36-43 Well, it’s Mothers’ Day, and preachers around the country have had to figure out what to preach about today.  Those of us who preach from the common lectionary have to decide: Do I focus on Mothers’ Day and Motherhood, or do I simply go where today’s texts lead me?  In 42 years of ministry, I have often wished that…
Holy Spirit

Opportunity Nearly Missed

Opportunity Nearly Missed           3rd Sunday of Easter           Pastor Pat Mecham Acts 9: 1-20      May 1, 2022       John 21: 1-19 Our flight from Paducah, KY to Minneapolis had been delayed, so we got to the gate for our next flight just in time to see it pulling away from the terminal.  Rats!  I found myself wishing that I had spoken to the flight attendant, requesting that she radio ahead and ask the folks to hold the plane for us.  But she was…
Holy Spirit

To Whom Will You Listen?

To Whom Will You Listen?                2nd Easter                Pastor Pat Mecham Acts 5:23-32      April 24, 2022       John 20:19-31 Forty-something years ago, I began reading The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis.  I used to read them through every year, starting on my birthday, but these days I only pick them up every now and then.  They are very entertaining, and I am still blessed with new insights as I read these tales.  The “Christ Figure” in these stories is a…

If for This Life Only

If for This Life Only —– Easter Day —– April 17, 2022 Acts 10: 34-43 ———- John 20: 1-18 ———– Pastor Pat Mecham Many of you know the name of William Paul Young, or you’re at least familiar with his book, The Shack, which was a runaway best-seller back in 2008.  It’s a story of a man who has suffered some pretty severe ordeals, and then gets to know God in a very personal manner.  What you might not know…
Clock and hourglass

While We Wait

While We Wait                  7th Sunday of Easter Acts 1:1-11 ———- May 16, 2021 ———–   Luke 24:44-53 Last week, I shared an excerpt from one of the Chronicles of Narnia, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.  This week, I will share some snippets from the book that kicked off the whole series, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.  The author was an Oxford professor named C. S. Lewis.  Although the book was written for children, adults responded to it in…

The Wide Family of God

The Wide Family of God ———–Mothers’ Day ————–6th Sunday of Easter Acts 10:44-48 —————May 9, 2021—————-John 15:9-17 Today’s story comes from the pen of C. S. Lewis, from his book called The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.  One of the main characters is described in the opening sentence: “There was a boy called Eustace Clarence Scrubb, and he almost deserved it.”  He is described as an annoying, spiteful, friendless know-it-all who gets dragged into Narnia with his cousins (who had been there before). …
Jesus and disciples

In the Name of Jesus Christ

In the Name of Jesus Christ              4th Sunday of Easter Acts 4:5-12 ———–  1 John 3:16-24 ———-  April 25, 2021 ———-  John 10:11-18 A few weeks ago, it was Easter Sunday.  We celebrated the resurrection, and were reminded that we are “Easter People.”  William Willimon explains it this way: “Resurrection is not just something that happened to dead Jesus.  Resurrection is also something that happens to the dead followers of Jesus!  Easter keeps happening, as Jesus keeps talking to us, keeps revealing and…

A Peek into the Kingdom

A Peek into the Kingdom ————- 3rd Sunday of Easter ———— April 18, 2021 Acts 3: 12-19 ———— Luke 24: 36b-48 Today, I am starting a series of sermons in which I use a story written by one of my favorite authors—folks like George MacDonald, C. S. Lewis, and Leo Tolstoy.  (We’ll see who else shows up as we move along!)  I am choosing stories that will come alongside the Scriptures for the day, illustrating the point, and perhaps making…
Holy Spirit

Recovering Believers

Recovering Believers                 2nd Easter Psalm 133   April 11, 2021   John 20:19-31 Back in 1935, a man suffering from alcoholism was told that there was no medical cure—and then he was encouraged to find a spiritual means to sobriety.  He sought out others who might be able to help—and Alcoholics Anonymous was born!  Using a 12-step program, AA helps people face their situation with honesty, integrity, as well as mutual encouragement and support.  It has spawned thousands of chapters, as well…

Real Life (In a Nutshell)

Real Life (In a Nutshell) —– Easter Day —– April 4, 2021 Acts 10: 34-43 —– 1 Corinthians 15: 1-11 —– John 20: 1-18 It wouldn’t surprise you, would it, if I told you that our culture is always in a hurry?  People travel to other places where the pace is slower—and they come back and talk about how it took awhile to get used to the lack of hurry, but they eventually came to enjoy it.  But then they…