Sermons by Rev. Kate Freeman

Sermons by Rev. Kate Freeman

Easter Lily

May 14, 2023

Genesis 4: 1-8, 16; 19: 16-17, 23-26; Luke 2: 36-38 6th Sunday of Easter “Mothers’ Day Cards” Rev. Kate Freeman

“Who Are You, Jesus?”

Romans 5: 1-11————John 3: 1-21————John 4: 1-30 July 25, 2021—————-Rev. Kate Freeman—————9th Sunday after Pentecost Good Morning, Spanish Springs Church. It is good to be back together with you all.   Today I invite us to take a look at two familiar conversations which involve Jesus and someone who is seeking to know, “Who is this man?” Want to get to know someone, have a conversation, right? Let’s discover how Jesus reveals his Identity and what that means for us. These…

Sam, Nate, Mack and Papa

Sam, Nate, Mack and Papa 2nd Sunday of Epiphany 1 Samuel 3: 1-10 January 17, 2021 Psalm 139: 1-6, 13-18; John 1: 43-51 The human brain is a wonder. The mind and its ability to capture ideas and concepts.  And perhaps its greatest ability is that no one can perceive the thoughts of another person. Our thoughts are truly our own until we choose to share them in one way or another. No other person knows what truly goes on…