Sermons by Rev. Dr. Tom Willadsen (Page 2)

Sermons by Rev. Dr. Tom Willadsen (Page 2)

Matthew 25 Church Banner

7 Marks of Vital Congregations

Psalm 1; I Corinthians 12: 4-11; Romans 12: 6-8 Marks 1 & 4 of Vital Congregations: A commitment to forming disciples over every members’ lifetime and Empowering every member to discover their individual calling and their God-given gifts Rev. Tom Willadsen
Wonder in the sky and universe

Wonder in the Sky: Annual Astronomy Sermon

God’s heart is big enough to love the universe God made, which is bigger and more complex than we can imagine. We’re not less special because we keep learning how vast and mysterious the universe is. Instead, we’re growing into understanding how vast and unknowable the Living God we worship and serve is.
Easter Lily

The Lord’s Prayer

3rd Sunday of Easter Matthew 6: 9-15; Luke 11: 1-4 “The Lord’s Prayer” Rev. Tom Willadsen The source for the skit presented during the sermon is: 1987, No. 1 issue, Worldwide Family Spirit magazine

A Tale of Two Believers

Easter John 20: 1-8 “A Tale of Two Believers” Rev. Tom Willadsen “A Tale of Two Believers” The Reverend Doctor Thomas C. Willadsen, Spanish Springs Presbyterian Church, Sparks, Nevada, March 31, 2024, Easter, John 20:1-18 John and Melanie have known each other for years. They work together in a large office and their jobs are very similar. Though they have known one another for years, and they even go to the same church, you couldn’t call them friends. You’d think…
Palm Sunday Banner with palm branches and crosses

Donkey Fetchers

Palm Sunday Psalm 118: 1-2, 19-28; Mark 11, 1-11 “Donkey Fetchers” Rev. Tom Willadsen “Donkey Fetchers” The Reverend Doctor Thomas C. Willadsen, Spanish Springs Presbyterian Church, Sparks, Nevada, Palm Sunday, March 24, 2024, Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29, Mark 11:1-11 Dateline—Washington, D.C. Associated Press, January 20, 2025 The 46th President of the United States was inaugurated this morning, a festive day in our nation’s capital. Marching bands and drill teams from all 50 states, Puerto Rico, Guam, Samoa and the District of…
Ash Wednesday Banner with palm branch, ash and a cross


5th Sunday of Lent Psalm 51: 1-17; John 12: 20-33 “Waiting . . . .” Rev. Tom Willadsen “Waiting” The Reverend Doctor Thomas C. Willadsen, Spanish Springs Presbyterian Church, Sparks, Nevada, March 17, 2024, Psalm 51:1-17, John 12:20-33 It’s not time. Just be patient. Wait for it. We will sell no wine before its time. The moment is not right. That item is on back order. Will you hold please? I tested negative for patience. We have a lot of…