Sermons by Pastor Pat Mecham (Page 7)
Prepare the Way of the Lord
2 Peter 3:8-15a Mark 1:1-8 I want you to imagine that the most important person in the world is coming to Sparks. What would we do to get ready for this visit? I’m sure we would arrange for some special music to be performed, some welcome speeches would be written—we would do everything we could think of to make this person feel welcome! Of course, there would be a parade, and all the buildings along the parade route would be decorated. Of course,…
To See the Blessings
Psalm 100 Ephesians 1:15-23 There’s an old song I know, much-loved but not much-used any more. The refrain goes like this: “Count your blessings, Name them one by one; Count your blessings, See what God hath done; Count your blessings, name them one by one; Count your many blessings, See what God hatch done.” See what God has done. We’re coming up to Thanksgiving Day here shortly—a day with plenty of traditions and expectations—a day when many of our familiar routines will…
We Belong to the Day
We Belong to the Day 24th Pentecost 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 November 15, 2020 Matt. 25:14-30 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. And then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good. From that ancient, ancient text to this very moment, light has been associated with all things good. Running deep within our psyches we sense the epic struggle between the forces of light and the forces of darkness. This imagery has been used in…
Watching with Hope
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Matthew 25:1-13 Every great now and then, someone asks me about what it’s like to be a pastor. My general answer is, “If you are called into ministry, it’s the best job in the world!” If I am asked, “What is the worst part of being a pastor,” I would have to say, “funerals and memorial services.” And, if I am asked, “What is the best part of being a pastor?” I would have to say that one of the best things would be funerals and…
A Life Worthy of God
1 Thessalonians 2:9-13 Matthew 23:1-12 These last few weeks, we have been exploring several events in the life of Jesus in which he was dealing with Scribes and Pharisees—the “religious experts” of Israel. These were men who had tremendous social standing: a cushy life, and a show of respect from the common people. But they felt threatened by the teachings of Jesus—threatened because, if the people responded to Jesus and to his message, their position of power and respect would crumble! I get…
Tender Nursing
1 Thessalonians 2:1-8 Matthew 22:34-40 Are you a person who “thinks in pictures”? I am one, and I find myself trying to “picture” God. Without much success. How about you? 1. Do you have an image from Monty Python, a bearded guy up in the clouds, speaking with lots of thunder in his voice? 2. Or do you picture God as a shepherd, caring for sheep, searching for lost lambs? 3. Or do you see God more like Isaiah’s vision…
Word and Work
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 Matthew 22:15-22 Back in the ‘70’s, I saw a poster that depicted a preacher in a pulpit and in the “word bubble” above his head, it said, “Words, words, words, words, words.” Now, if you remember the ‘70’s, you know that boomers were kind of disenchanted with a lot of things (that’s putting it mildly!), and this poster illustrated our feelings about people who did a lot of talking but didn’t back up their talk with consistent action. They “talked the talk”…
Make it My Own
Phil. 3:4b-14 Matt. 21:33-46 Would you describe yourself as a “goal-oriented person”? You know, someone who has a firm idea of what they want to do, and one who makes plans for all the specific steps needed to pursue this goal. Some folks are on the extreme end of this spectrum, while others are all the way on the other end—never making a plan, just kind of “rolling through life,” taking it as it comes to them. I suspect that most of us are somewhere…
The Power of Love – Unity
Philippians 2:1-13 September 27, 2020 Matthew 21:23-32 I want you to picture Lucy van Pelt and her little brother, Linus, from the comic strip Peanuts. Lucy and Linus are having a “disagreement,” but it comes to a sudden halt when Lucy gives a simple demonstration of UNITY. She says, “See these fingers? By themselves, they are nothing special, but when they combine into a single unit, they become a force that is TERRIBLE TO BEHOLD!!” Admittedly, it’s not a very positive example of unity,…
The Power of Love – Generosity
The Power of Love: Generosity 16th Pentecost Philippians 1:21-30 September 20, 2020 Matthew 20:1-16 Think for a minute about what a generator does. It takes some kind of power, like a gas engine or a windmill or a water-powered turbine, and converts that power into electricity. A generator. I thought about generators when I was studying Developmental Psychology in seminary, where we learned about the concept of “generativity.” Erik Erikson, the psychologist who developed the term “Identity Crisis”, coined the word “Generativity” to describe a stage…
The Power of Love – Forgiveness
15th Pentecost The Power of Love: Forgiveness Romans 14:1-12 Sept. 13, 2020 Matthew 18:21-35 Part of what it means to be HUMAN is to be vulnerable—to live with the possibility of being hurt by other people. I don’t need to ask if you have ever been hurt, because our vulnerability means that, occasionally, WE WILL BE HURT. It’s part of the human condition. And the antidote to that hurt is simple (and, at the same time, often very…
The Power of Love – Speaking the Truth
The Power of Love: Speaking the Truth 14th Pentecost Romans 13:8-14 September 6, 2020 Matthew 18:15-20 You all know what a scalpel is, right? It’s a small, very sharp cutting tool that is used by surgeons all around the world. In the hands of a skilled surgeon, a scalpel can be the instrument of healing and hope. But, in the wrong hands, a scalpel can be an instrument of destruction and mayhem! Did you know that our words also carry this dual possibility? When we…