Sermons by Pastor Pat Mecham (Page 5)

Sermons by Pastor Pat Mecham (Page 5)


Becoming or Behaving

August 15, 2021              “Becoming or Behaving”          Rev. Patrick Mecham           Ephesians 5:15-20             John 6:51-58 I once heard a teacher describing the kids in his class.  He said that some of the kids looked at him while he talked, nodded their heads when he made a point, chuckled when he said something funny, raised their hands when they wanted to speak—basically making his day easier.  And then there were others—kids who didn’t seem to listen to him, who never seemed…

Works or Faith?

August 1            “Works or Faith”     Rev. Patrick Mecham           Ephesians 4:1-16               John 6:24-35

Drawn to Power

Drawn to Power                8th Sunday after Pentecost Ephesians 2:11-22   July 18, 2021   Mark 6:30-34, 53-56 I’m willing to bet that something like this has happened to you: You’ve been working on something really hard (without a break), and you are really looking forward to a chance to kick back and relax.  And just at the time when your break comes, someone asks you to help them—and it’s obvious that you have to defer that break.  Something in you says,…

It Is For Freedom

2 Corinthians 12: 2-10; Mark 6: 1-13 July 4 6th Sunday after Pentecost It Is for Freedom                6th Pentecost 2 Corinthians 12:2-10   July 4, 2021   Mark 6:1-13 The word freedom is tossed around a lot these days, and it has been especially on my mind as we have approached our country’s Independence Day.  Freedom!  It’s the battle cry of every person who is struggling against powers that would enslave them, that would imprison them unjustly.  Freedom. I’m remembering a conversation…

God Sees the Potential

1 Samuel 15:34 – 16:13; 2 Corinthians 5:6-17; Mark 4:26-34 God Sees the Potential             3rd Sunday after Pentecost – – – -June 13, 2021   Many of you know the name of Ben Carson, the former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.  Still more of you know that he had a career as an acclaimed brain surgeon.  But I think that most of you don’t know that Ben was born to a woman who only completed 3rd grade.  She married real…

From Temporary to Eternal

From Temporary to Eternal     2nd  Pentecost Psalm 138; 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1;    June 6, 2021;    Mark 6:20-35 Most of us know what a mirage is, right?  You’re out in the desert, hot and parched, and you see up ahead some WATER, shimmering in the heat!  You move toward the water, anticipating a good drink.  But, of course, when you get there, the water has all disappeared!  It was an optical illusion, not really there at all.  We’ve seen this…
Clock and hourglass

While We Wait

While We Wait                  7th Sunday of Easter Acts 1:1-11 ———- May 16, 2021 ———–   Luke 24:44-53 Last week, I shared an excerpt from one of the Chronicles of Narnia, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.  This week, I will share some snippets from the book that kicked off the whole series, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.  The author was an Oxford professor named C. S. Lewis.  Although the book was written for children, adults responded to it in…

The Wide Family of God

The Wide Family of God ———–Mothers’ Day ————–6th Sunday of Easter Acts 10:44-48 —————May 9, 2021—————-John 15:9-17 Today’s story comes from the pen of C. S. Lewis, from his book called The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.  One of the main characters is described in the opening sentence: “There was a boy called Eustace Clarence Scrubb, and he almost deserved it.”  He is described as an annoying, spiteful, friendless know-it-all who gets dragged into Narnia with his cousins (who had been there before). …
heart in hands

The First to Love

The First to Love                 5th Sunday of Easter 1 John 4:7-21   May 2, 2021    John 15:1-8 The story I want to share with you today is my favorite from Leo Tolstoy.  His title is Where Love Is, God Is but you might know it as “Martin the Cobbler.”  It’s about an older man whose home and shop were in the basement, and he had one window looking out on the sidewalk.  He was able to recognize his…
Jesus and disciples

In the Name of Jesus Christ

In the Name of Jesus Christ              4th Sunday of Easter Acts 4:5-12 ———–  1 John 3:16-24 ———-  April 25, 2021 ———-  John 10:11-18 A few weeks ago, it was Easter Sunday.  We celebrated the resurrection, and were reminded that we are “Easter People.”  William Willimon explains it this way: “Resurrection is not just something that happened to dead Jesus.  Resurrection is also something that happens to the dead followers of Jesus!  Easter keeps happening, as Jesus keeps talking to us, keeps revealing and…
Holy Spirit

Recovering Believers

Recovering Believers                 2nd Easter Psalm 133   April 11, 2021   John 20:19-31 Back in 1935, a man suffering from alcoholism was told that there was no medical cure—and then he was encouraged to find a spiritual means to sobriety.  He sought out others who might be able to help—and Alcoholics Anonymous was born!  Using a 12-step program, AA helps people face their situation with honesty, integrity, as well as mutual encouragement and support.  It has spawned thousands of chapters, as well…

Washing Feet

Washing Feet ——– Maundy Thursday ——– April 1, 2021 ——– 6:30 PM Psalm 116: 1-4, 12-29———John 13: 1-17, 31b-35 Those of you who are teachers understand the challenges of trying to convey a body of knowledge or a principle.  Parents face this challenge with their children; customer service representatives have the same challenge when trying to inform a customer; anyone hoping to convey information to another person understands the limits of our language. Jesus is perhaps the best-known teacher the…