Sermons by Elaine York, Commissioned Lay Pastor
The Clay and the Potter
September 4……..13th Sunday after Pentecost Elaine York, Commissioned Lay Pastor Psalm 1; Jeremiah 18: 1-11; Philemon 1-7 Spanish Springs Presbyterian Church Good Morning, and Welcome to Spanish Springs Presbyterian Church! I am Elaine York, your Pulpit Supply Pastor for today. I know that many of you may be sad today because of the departure this week of Pastor Pat and Melissa and I will also miss them. I want you to know that I was a part of the interview…
Celebrate and Make a Joyful Noise
July 3, 2022——–4th Sunday after Pentecost—–Elaine York Psalm 66: 1-9; Galatians 6: 1-16; Luke 10: 1-11, 16-20 Good Morning! I am glad to be back with you here at Spanish Springs Presbyterian Church. I have several really good friends here so, it is always fun to come to worship with you. In the Fall, I will be joining your Presbyterian Women’s Bible Study as we have had to end one of our circles at St. John’s. I look forward to…
Praise to Our Fathers
Isaiah 40:28-31;———–2 Timothy 3:10-17———— June 20, 2021 Praise to Our Fathers Elaine York, Commissioned Lay Pastor This morning I will speak of three kinds of fathers. One, our biological fathers, grandfathers and great grandfathers. Do we have any great grandfathers here today? Please raise your hands! Thank you!! Second, we will talk about step fathers, father’s through adoption, uncles, mentors and any other significant men in the lives of children. And third, we will give praise and honor to our…