Sermons on Romans (Page 2)

Sermons on Romans (Page 2)


“Who Are You, Jesus?”

Romans 5: 1-11————John 3: 1-21————John 4: 1-30 July 25, 2021—————-Rev. Kate Freeman—————9th Sunday after Pentecost Good Morning, Spanish Springs Church. It is good to be back together with you all.   Today I invite us to take a look at two familiar conversations which involve Jesus and someone who is seeking to know, “Who is this man?” Want to get to know someone, have a conversation, right? Let’s discover how Jesus reveals his Identity and what that means for us. These…
advent candles

Greetings, Favored One!

Greetings, Favored One!                   4th Advent Romans 16:25-27   December 20, 2020   Luke 1:26-38 Don’t you just love Christmas Pageants?!  Over the years, I have seen some doozeys!  Like the year Joseph picked up the Baby Jesus and the doll’s head fell off and rolled across the floor—or like the year the innkeeper got all choked up and offered Mary and Joseph his own room, rather than sending them to a stable!  But the one that came to mind this week depicted…
bible heart

The Power of Love – Forgiveness

15th Pentecost The Power of Love: Forgiveness Romans 14:1-12     Sept. 13, 2020       Matthew 18:21-35 Part of what it means to be HUMAN is to be vulnerable—to live with the possibility of being hurt by other people. I don’t need to ask if you have ever been hurt, because our vulnerability means that, occasionally, WE WILL BE HURT. It’s part of the human condition. And the antidote to that hurt is simple (and, at the same time, often very…
bible heart

The Power of Love – Speaking the Truth

The Power of Love: Speaking the Truth           14th Pentecost Romans 13:8-14   September 6, 2020   Matthew 18:15-20 You all know what a scalpel is, right?  It’s a small, very sharp cutting tool that is used by surgeons all around the world.  In the hands of a skilled surgeon, a scalpel can be the instrument of healing and hope.  But, in the wrong hands, a scalpel can be an instrument of destruction and mayhem! Did you know that our words also carry this dual possibility?  When we…
work gloves

The Joy of Labor

The Joy of Labor                          13th Pentecost Psalm 105:1-6   August 30, 2020   Romans 12:9-21 Most of you know the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, and how they disobeyed God and basically got kicked out of the Garden.  Eve was told that her punishment would be that her pains in childbirth were going to be increased, and Adam was now going to have to earn his food with hard labor.  His punishment is described like this: “Cursed is…

Sent to Foreigners – A Slave Prince

Sent to Foreigners: A Slave/Prince                    12th Pentecost Exodus 1:8-2:10   Romans 12:1-8 When the kids were little, we used to watch a Disney movie called “The Sword in the Stone.”  Based on a novel by T. H. White called The Once and Future King, the story follows the life of a 12-year-old orphan known as Wart.  Wart stumbles into a relationship with the magician, Merlin, who becomes his tutor.  Now, England had fallen into a dark time because the king had died without…

Wisdom is Vindicated by Deeds

Wisdom Is Vindicated by Deeds                5th Pentecost Romans 7:15-25a  Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30 I am a big fan of Snoopy, the cute little beagle from Peanuts!  When everyone else is going frantic with worry, Snoopy always seems to have a steady compass and an aptitude for JOY! In one of his more philosophical moods, Snoopy was contemplating the question of whether it is more important to BE or to DO.  Some people emphasize how crucial it is to BE, while others focus on what…

Choose Your Master

Choose Your Master 4th Pentecost Romans 6:12-23 Matthew 10:40-42 Back in the 70’s, there was a mini-series on TV that almost everyone in the country tuned into. It was about a young man, Kunta Kintay, who was captured by slavers and brought to America and sold to a plantation owner. The series chronicled the life of Kunta and his descendants (like “Chicken George”) and how the story of his life was passed down through the generations to Alex Haley, the…

From Theory to Practice

March 15, 2020 From Theory to Practice         3rd Lent Romans 5:1-11     March 15, 2020     John 4:5-42 Anyone who has been around church for awhile knows most of the basic theory of Christianity—love your neighbor as yourself, feed the poor, visit the sick and imprisoned, love God with all your heart, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. We know the drill, and we can talk about the theory, the precepts all day long—but it’s the practice that sometimes has us stumped. If you wanted to…

The Hope of the Gentiles

The Hope of the Gentiles       2nd Advent Romans 15:4-13   Matthew 3:1-12 Do you remember “The Little Rascals”? As a kid, I watched old black-and-white re-runs. Then, in 1994, they released a movie with the same characters, introducing them to a new generation! In this film, all the boys belong to a club called “The He-Man Woman-Haters Club,” and just to make it clear, there’s a sign on the clubhouse that reads “No Girls Allowed.” Of course, this is a fun way…

Waiting for God

Waiting for God     Trinity Sunday Psalm 8   Romans 5:1-5  John 16:12-15 In the 1950’s, Samuel Beckett published an absurdist play—absurdist. The play is titled “Waiting for Godot.” It has two strange characters hanging out on a roadside by a sickly tree, and both are waiting for someone named “Godot.” Their conversation rambles and some other characters appear then leave, but these two wait with hope. At the end of Act I, a boy appears and tells them that Mr. Godot is not coming today,…
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