Sermons on Psalms (Page 2)

Sermons on Psalms (Page 2)

Does God Make Mistakes?

Annual Congregational Meeting Genesis 6: 5-8; Jonah 3: 10; Psalm 139: 1-18 “Does God Make Mistakes?” Rev. Tom Willadsen “Does God Make Mistakes?” The Reverend Doctor Thomas C. Willadsen, Spanish Springs Presbyterian Church, Sparks, Nevada, February 11, 2024, Genesis 6:5-8, Jonah 3:10 Psalm 139:1-18 Five years ago I was a member of a group of Christian church leaders who met every Monday morning to pray for our community. We would visit, usually there was coffee, catch up with one another…

November 26, 2023

Christ the King Sunday Psalm 100; Matthew 25: 31-46 Elaine York, Commissioned Pastor SERMON:  CHRIST THE KING SUNDAY Today is a very special day in the life of our church!! Today is Christ The King Sunday!  It is also referred to as the Feast of the King and the Reign of the King. Now many of you may have heard of this special Sunday?  Perhaps some of you may not have heard of it.  I only learned about this Sunday…