Sermons on John (Page 3)

Sermons on John (Page 3)

Holy Spirit

Opportunity Nearly Missed

Opportunity Nearly Missed           3rd Sunday of Easter           Pastor Pat Mecham Acts 9: 1-20      May 1, 2022       John 21: 1-19 Our flight from Paducah, KY to Minneapolis had been delayed, so we got to the gate for our next flight just in time to see it pulling away from the terminal.  Rats!  I found myself wishing that I had spoken to the flight attendant, requesting that she radio ahead and ask the folks to hold the plane for us.  But she was…
Holy Spirit

To Whom Will You Listen?

To Whom Will You Listen?                2nd Easter                Pastor Pat Mecham Acts 5:23-32      April 24, 2022       John 20:19-31 Forty-something years ago, I began reading The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis.  I used to read them through every year, starting on my birthday, but these days I only pick them up every now and then.  They are very entertaining, and I am still blessed with new insights as I read these tales.  The “Christ Figure” in these stories is a…

If for This Life Only

If for This Life Only —– Easter Day —– April 17, 2022 Acts 10: 34-43 ———- John 20: 1-18 ———– Pastor Pat Mecham Many of you know the name of William Paul Young, or you’re at least familiar with his book, The Shack, which was a runaway best-seller back in 2008.  It’s a story of a man who has suffered some pretty severe ordeals, and then gets to know God in a very personal manner.  What you might not know…

What Kind of King?!

April 14, 2022……….Maundy Thursday……….Pastor Pat Mecham On Palm Sunday, we explored what it means that “The King Is Coming!”  Tonight, I want to focus on the question, “What kind of king?”  To begin to answer that question, I would like you to help me out.  I want you to imagine that you have a disgusting task to do, like cleaning out the cat box, or whatever it is that makes you make a face like this.  Imagine that task, then…
Spanish Springs Presbyterian Church

Don’t Be Denied

April 3, 2022………..5th Sunday in Lent………….Pastor Pat Mecham Psalm 126; Philippians 3: 4b-14; John 12: 1-8 Hello.  My name is Lazarus.  You probably remember me because Jesus brought me back from the dead.  Now, that was pretty spectacular, but I want to share with you the tremendous impact that Jesus had on my whole family—especially my sisters, Mary and Martha. I guess I ought to start with Mary, because she’s the one who introduced us to Jesus in the first…
Spanish Springs Church Building

The Fountain of Life

January 16, 2022……….2nd Sunday after Epiphany 1 Corinthians 12: 1-11………..John 2: 1-11 How do you feel about our Gospel reading for today?  The first recorded miracle of Jesus: turning water into wine.  It’s true that it really did make believers out of his first disciples—but why is this story important enough to be in our Bible? My mother was a teetotaler (and, of necessity, so was my father!)  Her mother belonged to the Women’s Christian Temperance Union.  I am pretty…
Baptismal Bowl

Death . . .or Life and Peace

January 2, 2022……..Epiphany Sunday Romans 8: 1-11……….John 1: 1-9 (Isaiah 60: 1-6) There was a family that went to church every single Sunday, and, at the Sunday dinner, they discussed the morning sermon.  The kids were at an age where they could sit with their friends, anywhere in the church, and the boy developed the habit of skipping out of church and playing!  He would then stand near the preacher as people were leaving, and try to pick up snippets…

Going Out of Business

Joel 2: 21-27……….John 18: 33-37 November 28, 2021……….1st Sunday of Advent……….Rev. Christy Ramsey A link to the sermon text will be provided in the near future.

From the Cross to the Sky

November 21, 2021—————Rev. Patrick Mecham………….Christ the King Sunday 2 Samuel 23: 1-7——————-Revelation 1: 4b-8—————John 18: 33-37 Those of you who follow professional football already know the name of David Tyree.  You know that, in the 2008 Super Bowl, his New York Giants were behind the New England Patriots (the undefeated Patriots) they were behind by four points with only a minute and fifteen seconds left on the clock.  Eli Manning launched a pass, and Tyree leapt for the ball at…

Body Armor

August 22                   “Body Armor”           Rev. Patrick Mecham           Ephesians 6:10-20             John 6:56-69 13th Sunday after Pentecost We all understand that, when a new recruit joins the military, he or she goes through extensive training and physical fitness preparation before they are sent into action. But we wouldn’t think of deploying them without a helmet or body armor—that would be just plain foolish! In Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, he’s saying something similar: Christians need to put on body armor…

Becoming or Behaving

August 15, 2021              “Becoming or Behaving”          Rev. Patrick Mecham           Ephesians 5:15-20             John 6:51-58 I once heard a teacher describing the kids in his class.  He said that some of the kids looked at him while he talked, nodded their heads when he made a point, chuckled when he said something funny, raised their hands when they wanted to speak—basically making his day easier.  And then there were others—kids who didn’t seem to listen to him, who never seemed…

The Words of My Mouth

August 8, 2021            “The Words of My Mouth”     Rev. Patrick Mecham           Ephesians 4:25-5:2            John 6:35, 41-51 11th Sunday after Pentecost                            When you were growing up, I’ll be you were told, “If you can’t say something nice—don’t say anything at all!”  Some attribute this to Bambi, but Bambi was just quoting our mothers, right?!  Be nice.  Be sweet.  I’ll agree that we need to teach our children to be KIND, to hold back on those words that hurt. …