Sermons on John (Page 2)

Sermons on John (Page 2)

April 6, 2023–Maundy Thursday

Luke 22: 7-23; Matthew 26: 31-35; Mark 14: 32-41; Matthew 26: 47-52; Luke 22: 54-62; John 18: 33-38; Luke 23: 13-24; Mark 15: 16-20; Mark 8: 31 Maundy Thursday—7:00 PM Rev. Tom Willadsen

The Glory of God: Beyond Comprehension

July 24, 2022—–7th Sunday after Pentecost—-Rev. Patrick Mecham Ephesians 3: 14-21; John 6: 1-21 I’d like you to imagine being on a commercial airplane.  It’s a hot day, and the plane is lumbering down the taxiway.  You reach up and adjust the air flow so that it’s just right, and you murmur, “Thank you, God, for air conditioning!”  Then you begin to wonder: How does air conditioning work?  I know there are compressors and Freon and fans—but how does all…

Growing into the Faith

June 12, 2022 ……….Trinity Sunday ………. Rev. Patrick Mecham Romans 5: 1-5; John 16: 12-15 A philosopher named Friedrich Nietzsche once wrote a phrase that has been quoted since the 1880’s: “That which does not kill me makes me stronger.”  In the 1990’s, Disney produced an animated film called “Aladdin,” and the parrot (Iago) put his own spin on the saying, “You’d be surprised what you can live through!” Just recently, I heard a “Seasoned-Citizen” saying something similar: “Getting old…

God’s Power Unleashed

June 5, 2022 ……….. Pentecost Sunday ……….Rev. Patrick Mecham Acts 2: 1-21; John 14: 8-17, 25-27 The toddler was calling out from the bedroom, “Mommy!  Where my socks?”  The mother patiently directed her toddler, “Right there, on the end of your bed.”  “Where?!”  “I put them right at the foot of your bed.”  “I don’ see dem!”  “Oh, for heaven’s sake, I’ll come and show you where they are!”  “Oh.  I didn’ see dem.” Have you ever experienced the frustration…
Holy Spirit

The Power of Belief

The Power of Belief           7th Sunday of Easter           Pastor Pat Mecham Acts 16: 16-34      May 29, 2022       John 17: 20-26 In the Harry Potter stories, Harry comes into possession of a small vial of Felix Felices—otherwise known as “liquid luck.”  It is said that anyone who takes a swallow of this potion will find themselves successful in whatever they endeavor to do. Harry’s friend, Ron, is needing a boost of confidence before the big game.  Harry appears to pour something into…
Holy Spirit

The Power of Vision

The Power of Vision           6th Sunday of Easter           Pastor Pat Mecham Acts 16: 9-15    May 22, 2022       John 14: 23-29 Isn’t VISION a funny word?  I have an insurance card in my wallet that shows that I have “Vision Insurance.”  In other words, I can get my eyes examined and receive eye care without it costing me a fortune.  We use the word “vision” to talk about seeing physical things with our eyes, then we turn around and say that someone…
Holy Spirit

Hearing God’s Call–Away

Hearing God’s Call–Away           5th Sunday of Easter           Pastor Pat Mecham Acts 11: 1-18      May 15, 2022       John 13: 31-35 There once was a farmer who loved God and wanted to serve God.  One day, while looking up at the sky, the farmer saw some clouds that clearly formed two letters: P and C.  He just knew God was telling him to Preach Christ.  He abandoned his farming and began going from place to place, talking to anyone who would listen, sharing…