Sermons on James

Sermons on James


Audacious Asking

Psalm 124———-James 5: 13-30———-18th Sunday after Pentecost September 26, 2021 Many years ago, I met two 14-year-olds that were in the youth group at the church where I was a new intern.  Within ten minutes of meeting me, they asked, “Can we borrow your car?”  I was flabbergasted!  What an audacious request!  Firstly, they were too young to drive.  Secondly, I barely knew them—but they appeared to be entirely serious about it!  I said, “No, guys.  Sorry.”  And they said,…

Servant Leadership

James 3: 13 – 4: 8a———-Mark 9: 30-37———–17th Sunday after Pentecost September 19, 2021 Listen to this description: “Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth!” This is what Numbers 12:3 tells us about the most famous leader in the early history of our faith!  A very HUMBLE man.  Isn’t humble a funny word?  We might say, “Welcome to my humble abode” when we actually have a home any royalty…

Dogs, Demons, and Discrimination

James 2: 1-17———Mark 7: 24-37—-15th Sunday after Pentecost September 5, 2021 One of my favorite authors is Dr. Seuss! At our house, How the Grinch Stole Christmas is a favorite every December. The old animated version seen on TV brings to life a story about how celebrating the True Meaning of Christmas is more important than all the presents and decorations and feasting. It is a story of redemption in which the hardhearted Grinch is drawn into the celebration instead…