Sermons on Exodus

Sermons on Exodus


October 8, 2023

Exodus 20: 1-4, 7-9, 12-20 Matthew 21: 33-40 “Closing the Loopholes” Rev. Susan Taylor Closing the Loopholes As a mother of three, veteran elementary school teacher and with somewhere around 20 years of youth ministry on my resume, I’ve learned a few things about rules. First, we need them. No entity can function effectively without rules or guidelines. And second, for every rule put in place, someone is going to look for the loophole. And then there was Chris. He…

Sent to Foreigners – A Slave Prince

Sent to Foreigners: A Slave/Prince                    12th Pentecost Exodus 1:8-2:10   Romans 12:1-8 When the kids were little, we used to watch a Disney movie called “The Sword in the Stone.”  Based on a novel by T. H. White called The Once and Future King, the story follows the life of a 12-year-old orphan known as Wart.  Wart stumbles into a relationship with the magician, Merlin, who becomes his tutor.  Now, England had fallen into a dark time because the king had died without…