Sermons on Ephesians (Page 2)

Sermons on Ephesians (Page 2)

heart in hands

To Save, NOT Condemn

To Save, NOT Condemn—–4th Sunday in Lent Psalm 107: 1-3, 17-22—–Ephesians 2: 1-10—–March 14, 2021—–John 3: 14-21 When I was about 7 years old, I was playing over at a friend’s house.  We were out in the shop with his dad, who was puttering around with an engine.  My friend showed me something really cool—a miniature branding iron that he had made by bending a piece of wire into a shape.  He heated up the brand part in a little…

Newborn King/Shepherd

Newborn King/Shepherd                   Epiphany Ephesians 3:1-12    January 3, 2021   Matthew 2:1-12 SQuire Rushnell believes that God is always at work, performing miracles right under our noses just to show us how much God loves us!  SQuire calls these little miracles “God-winks,” and he compiled a book full of examples that he entitled When God Winks at You.  He has continued to document these miracles from all around the world, and recently published a new collection, including this story from McAllen, Texas.…

To See the Blessings

Psalm 100   Ephesians 1:15-23 There’s an old song I know, much-loved but not much-used any more.  The refrain goes like this: “Count your blessings, Name them one by one; Count your blessings, See what God hath done; Count your blessings, name them one by one; Count your many blessings, See what God hatch done.”  See what God has done.  We’re coming up to Thanksgiving Day here shortly—a day with plenty of traditions and expectations—a day when many of our familiar routines will…

A New Light is Shining

January 5, 2020 A New Light Is Shining          Epiphany Isaiah 60:1-6       January 5, 2020     Eph. 3:1-12   John 1:1-18 Do you remember the movie Hook? Captain Hook (played by Dustin Hoffman) and Peter Pan (played by Robin Williams) continue their epic struggle when Hook steals Pan’s kids in order to draw him back to Neverland. There’s one scene in which Captain Hook is talking to his sidekick, Smee, and he says that he’s had a “sublime vision”—an “epiphany”—and he shares his insight with…
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