Spanish Springs Presbyterian Church offers programs for all ages as well as opportunities to serve in the church.
Family Ministry
Nursery Care Nursery care is available for infants and toddlers during worship services.
Men's Ministry
Men’s Group Our Men’s Group meets on Wednesdays at 10 am for fellowship, study, and prayer. We take time at the end of our gathering to share our concerns, for ourselves, for our loved-ones, and for the world. Then we pray together. Each of us values this time of sharing, learning, and enjoying each other’s company! Come enjoy a cup of coffee and some really great guys!
Women's Ministry
Presbyterian Women’s Group The Presbyterian Women’s Group meets at 1:00 pm on the 3rd Monday of each month. Ladies may meet at 12:30 pm and enjoy a fellowship time with their own sack lunches.
Quilt Ministry
The Spanish Springs Church Quilting Ministry makes quilts, lap blankets and shoulder shawls for those in need.
Handy Helpers
Handy Helpers It’s hard to ask for help, and we all want to be as independent as possible, but sometimes we need a little temporary help with everyday tasks. Our SSPC Board of Deacons and Men’s Group are developing and expanding our current list of helpers who are willing to assist you. This can bring JOY to those providing the help as well as those receiving it! Helping with small household repairs, transportation to medical appointments (and everything in between)…
Ministry Teams
Ministry Teams Ministry Teams are committees and groups that help church members to participate in the ministry of the church by leading and planning an area of church life. “Many hands make quick work.” Join a church Ministry Team and help lighten the load this year. There is a Ministry Team to fit every personality. Find your niche. To learn more about ministry teams or to join a team, please contact the church office at 775-424-3622 for more information. Outreach…
Choir SSPC would love to have YOU join the adult choir! Rehearsals are held on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 PM. The choir warms up before the Sunday morning worship service at 9:30 AM. “Who sings well prays twice.” St. Augustine