Reverend Jeff Rumble Pastor of Spanish Springs Church
Reverend Jeff Rumble

Reverend Jeff Rumble

Reverend Jeff Rumble was born in Southern California. He was baptized in a Presbyterian church, attended Sunday School, went to church camps, and participated in youth groups. His parents often took the family camping and encouraged his love of nature. He also participated in Scouting, eventually earning the rank of Eagle. When Jeff was 12, his father passed away. This drove Jeff to look toward God more and to pray more. In the succeeding years, he came to believe that God was calling him into a life of ministry. Jeff earned a B.A. in Speech Communications at Humboldt State University. While there, he participated in campus Christian ministry, and when he graduated college, continued on toward seminary. While he was in seminary, Jeff became a ministry candidate through the Presbytery of Los Ranchos. When he graduated, he was ready for ministry. He has served churches in Florida and California. Jeff loves to hike and fish. His favorite sport is rock climbing. Jeff also loves sushi, chocolate (without nuts or coconut), comets, meteor showers, dogs, the Philadelphia Eagles, wise-cracking humor, challenges, adventure, prayer, teaching, and an academic understanding of Scripture.

In Pastor Jeff’s “Statement of Faith,” he writes: “I believe that God has provided for us all that we need in order to live as God’s people. We’re given Scripture to guide us and in which God has revealed His truth. God has given us people with whom to live and to share love and fellowship. God gives us minds that can learn, spirits that can grow, and opportunities in which to express our faith. In Jesus, God has given us a promise—not only of life and of a relationship with Him in this world but also of eternal life with God. In this promise, we find comfort, strength, and purpose.”

Church Secretary
Connie Poulton